This majestic North Woods tree is one of the most massive of the Oak family, with large acorns that are an important food for wildlife. Bur Oak mostly grows in the temperate climate of the upper midwest.
Rajala Forestry has carefully retained its best Bur Oak trees for decades and gently harvests a good number of trees which are milled into a wide array of fabulous millwork products, as well as a few timbers. We have many trees that are over 200 years old and will stand for centuries to come.
Bur Oak flooring, especially medium width plank flooring, is an excellent choice for its beauty, character, and durability. We offer this in both Premium (knotty) grade for a rich rustic look and Select grade for a more refined application.
Paneling is an excellent choice also, with wide widths available upon request.
Elegant selection with consistent grain, minimal small knots, and overall smooth character. Excellent choice for a more refined look.
Varying amounts of excellent tight characteristics including medium size knots, streaks, bark pockets, and grain variation. This grade is excellent for a higher character look than Select, but not entirely Rustic either.
This exciting grade provides the highest degree of character, with a wide range of knot sizes, streaks, a few holes and torn knots, and occasional heavy bark deposits. Rustic grade can appear a bit "loose" when unfinished, but with Prefinish applied the character holds together beautifully and really pops. This grade continues to grow in popularity, even in high end applications.
MTM is able to mix the grades in any combination to give you the exact look you are after. Some species (such as Elm) are limited in quantity and are only offered as a full mix of grades. A few species are unavailable in Select grade due to the natural characteristics of the tree (Tamarack).
Bur (White) Oak Tree at Rajala Forestry
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© 2024 Rajala Forestry